Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Ending Our Economic Civil War—Part II

 Answering the Kennedys’ Call


President-Elect Joe Biden can call a truce from the ongoing Red vs. Blue states economic civil war with just announced picks of his economics team, including Janet Yellen as Treasury Secretary and the economic advisors.

They are what have been called “progressive” economists because they advocate a national government that works for all the people in red and blue states, including stronger labor laws to protect wages and benefits of the salaried workforce that has been suppressed since the 1980s, causing most of the record income inequality we have today.

Janet Yellen is a UC Berkeley economist known for her labor expertise in advocating policies that combat income inequality. She worked to keep interest rates low when she was Fed Chair and advocated more public investments that the private sector avoided as Obama’s chief economic advisor.

Biden’s other progressive economists include Wally Adeyemo for deputy secretary of the Treasury; Cecilia Rouse as chair of the Council of Economic Advisers; and Jared Bernstein and Heather Boushey as members of the Council of Economic Advisers, all advocates of New Deal, Keynesian economics that cured the Great Depression.

Nobel Laureate Paul Krugman said on MSNBC that the advisors are incredibly qualified--even overqualified for the job—since anyone of them could be Biden’s CEA chair and chief economic advisor.

“It is no secret that the past few decades of widening inequality can be summed up as significant income and wealth gains for those at the very top and stagnant living standards for the majority,” Yellen said in a speech to a conference on inequality sponsored by the Boston Fed.

In her conference slide show, Professor Yellen showed that after adjusting for inflation, the average income of the top 5 percent of households grew by 38 percent from 1989 until 2013, Yellen said. By comparison, the average real income of the other 95 percent of households grew less than 10 percent.

Federal Reserve

Increasing the income of ordinary Americans will not only increase economic growth with their consumer spending (which even Henry Ford understood), but the concomitant rising tax collections will also help pay down the $1 trillion annual budget deficit engineered by the 2017 Republican tax cuts.

Higher taxes would also help to bring down the deficit. But Republicans that only love budget deficits when it means lower taxes for them, must be convinced that public service projects (e.g., infrastructure) or social programs (e.g, health care) are necessary for a strong economic recovery.

This economy cannot even begin to dig itself out of the COVID-19 pandemic damage to growth and jobs unless massive government aid is injected that includes social programs such as expanded health care that will aid the recovery.

In fact, due to the seriousness of this virus, economists are beginning to discuss the possibility of a ‘double-dip’ recession occurring due to the “dark winter” epidemiologist are predicting ahead for the pandemic.

“Our failure to protect ourselves has caught up to us” said New York Times’ infectious disease expert Donald J. McNeil, Jr. in a recent front-page article. “The nation must endure a critical period of transition, one that threatens to last for too long, as we set aside justifiable optimism about next spring and confront the dark winter ahead.”

He said there are epidemiologists predicting a doubling of the death toll by next March—to more than 500,000, which is approaching the 675,000 deaths estimated to have occurred during the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic.

McNeil also cites a recent U. of Washington study that estimates 130,000 lives could be saved by February if mask use became universal in the US immediately.

Unfortunately, this modern economic war had been caused by one political party’s nostalgia for an illusory past with their attempts to limit government’s role by repealing Obamacare and undermining support needed to conquer this virus, as well as a White House that won’t institute a national mandate to wear masks and socially distance in the name of personal responsibility.

And, “The regions of the country now among those hit hardest by the virus;” continued McNeil, “Midwestern and Mountain States, and rural counties, including in the Dakotas, Iowa, Nebraska and Wyoming; are the ones that voted heavily for Mr. Trump in the recent election.”

A majority of Americans in this election—six million and counting—have said that the income and wealth inequality resulting from owners garnering the lion’s share of income and wealth will no longer be tolerated with their choice of President-Elect Biden.

It has taken natural or human-made catastrophes--such as wars and disease-caused pandemics—to bring Americans together in past times. Let US not lose this opportunity the COVID-19 pandemic presents to end the economic civil war and begin a new economic peace.

President-Elect Biden looks to have picked his economic advisors that will do just that.

Harlan Green © 2020

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